REET 2024 Syllabus & Exam Pattern: REET 2024-25 Exam Pattern and Syllabus is provided in this post. REET 2024 syllabus pdf download, REET 2024 syllabus level 2, REET 2024 syllabus in Hindi, REET Level 1 syllabus 2024 PDF Download, REET 2024 syllabus paper 1, REET Level 1 Syllabus 2024 PDF Download in Hindi, REET Syllabus Level 2 PDF 2024, REET Syllabus Level 2 SST 2024. Candidates of Priya Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test, if you have started preparing for Rate 2025, then this article is going to prove to be very important for you, in this article we will provide you information about the complete exam pattern and complete syllabus of REET Level 1 and REET Level 2

REET 2024 Syllabus Overview
Recruitment Organization | Rajasthan Staff Selection Board |
Post | Grade 3rd Teacher |
Category | Syllabus |
Official Website | RSMSSB |
Exam Pattern of REET Level-1 2024
- Mode Of Exam: Offline OMR Based
- Exam Duration: Candidates will be given 2 hours and 30 minutes to do the paper. Also, 10 minutes extra time will be given to fill the 5th option.
- No. Of Questions: A total of 150 questions will be asked from various topics in the paper.
- No. Of Marks: The paper of the REET recruitment exam will be of 150 marks, 1 mark has been set for each question.
- Negative Marking: Yes, 1/3
Exam Subject | Questions/Marks |
Child Development & Pedagogy | 30/30 |
mathematic | 30/30 |
Language – 1 | 30/30 |
Language – 2 | 30/30 |
Environmental Studies | 30/30 |
Total Questions/ aggregate marks | 150/150 |
Rajasthan REET Level-1 Syllabus 2024
In this section, we will tell you the different detailed syllabus of all the subjects related to REET Level 1, any candidate who is preparing for the Rajasthan Teacher Recruitment Eligibility Test, must check this section and ensure your preparation.
PART -I REET Child Development and Teaching Methods Syllabus
- Child Development: The concept of growth and development, different dimensions and theories of development, factors influencing development, especially in the context of family and school, and relationship to learning.
- The role of heredity and environment.
- Individual Differences: Individual Differences, Meaning, Types and Factors Influencing It.
- Personality: Concept, type and factors influencing personality, measurement of personality.
- Intelligence: Concept, theory and its measurement, multiple intelligence theory and its implications.
- Understanding of Diverse Learners: Backward, Retarded, Talented, Creative, Disadvantaged, Children with Special Needs and Children with Learning Disabilities.
- Difficulties in learning
- Concept and Methods of Adjustment, Role of Teacher in Adjustment.
- Meaning and concept of learning.
- Factors influencing learning.
- Theories of learning (behaviorism, gastaltism, cognizance, constructivism) and their implications.
- How do children learn?
- Processes of learning.
- Thinking, Imagination and Reasoning – Constructivism Approach, Experiential Learning, Concept-Mapping, Exploration and Problem Solving.
- Motivation and its implications for learning.
- Teaching-learning processes, strategies and methods of teaching-learning in the context of the National Curriculum Framework-2005.
- Meaning and Purpose of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation.
- Comprehensive and continuous evaluation.
- Creation of achievement testing.
- The rewards of learning.
- Actionable Research.
- Right to Education Act-2009 Role and Responsibilities of Teachers.
PART – II Rajasthan REET Level 1 Syllabus English
- Unseen Prose Passage- Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings, Word-formation, One Word Substitution.
- Unseen Prose Passage Parts of Speech, Tenses, Determiners, Degrees of Comparison.
- Framing Questions Including Wh-questions, Active and Passive Voice, Narration Knowledge of English Sounds and Phonetic Symbols.
- Principles of Teaching English, Methods and Approaches to English Language Teaching.
- Development of Language Skills, Teaching Learning Materials: Text books, Multi-media Materials and other resources.
- Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Assessment and Evaluation in English Language.
PART – III Rajasthan REET Level 1 Syllabus Hindi
- 1 The following grammatical questions based on an unread passage:
- Pair words, a word for phrases, prefixes, suffixes.
- Conjunctions, conjunctions, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, genders, words, tenses, word purification.
- 2 Questions on the following points based on an unread passage:
- Expressions Beauty
- Idea Beauty
- Naad Beauty
- Craft Beauty
- Life Vision
- 3 Syntax, Parts of Sentences, Distinctions of Sentences, Phrases.
- Idioms, proverbs, causative marks, expendables, punctuation.
- Language teaching methods, approaches to language teaching, development of linguistic proficiency.
- 5. Development of Language Skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Teaching-Learning, Textbook, Multi-Media and other learning resources.
- 6 Assessment in Language Teaching – Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Formulation of Achievement Tests Holistic and Continuous Evaluation, Remedial Teaching.
PART -IV Rajasthan REET Level 1 Maths Syllabus 2024
- Whole numbers up to one crore, local values, comparisons, fundamental mathematical operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Indian currency.
- Concept of fractions, proper fractions, comparison of proper fractions with equal denominators, mixed fractions, comparison of proper fractions with unequal denominators, fractions
- Addition and substitution of.
- Prime and Divisible Numbers, Prime Factors, LCM and HCF.
- Unitary rules, averages, profit and loss, simple interest.
- Plane and curved surfaces, Plane and solid geometric shapes, Properties of plane geometric shapes, points, lines, rays, line segments; Angles and their types.
- Measurement of length, weight, capacitance, time, area and their standard units and their relationship between them, area and perimeter of plane surfaces of square and rectangular objects.
- The Nature of Mathematics/Logical Thinking
- Place of mathematics in the curriculum
- The Language of Mathematics
- Community Math
- Data Management
- Evaluation by formal and informal methods
- Problems of teaching
- Error Analysis and Related Aspects of Learning and Teaching
- Diagnostic and remedial teaching, etc.
PART – V REET 2024 Level 1 Syllabus Environmental Studies
- Family – Personal relationships, single and joint families, social abuse (child marriage, dowry system, child labour, theft), addiction (drug addiction, smoking) and its personal, social and economic consequences.
- Textiles & Habitat – Clothing for different seasons, Maintenance of garments at home, Handlooms & Powerlooms, Habitats of Animals, Various
- Types of houses, cleaning of houses and surrounding areas, different types of materials for building houses.
- Occupation – Businesses around you (tailoring clothes, horticulture, farming, animal husbandry, vegetable vendors, etc.), small and cottage industries,
- Major Industries of Rajasthan State, Need for Consumer Protection, Cooperatives.
- Our Culture and Civilization – National Symbols of Rajasthan, National Festivals, Fairs and Festivals, Costumes and Ornaments of Rajasthan, Food and Architecture of Rajasthan; Tourist Places of Rajasthan, Major Great Personalities who are proud of Rajasthan, Heritage of Rajasthan – Forts, Palaces and Monuments, Paintings of Rajasthan, Folk Deities of Rajasthan.
- Transport and Communication – Means of transport and communication, rules for pedestrians and transport, traffic symbols, effect of means of communication on lifestyle.
- Personal Hygiene – External organs of our body and their hygiene, general information about internal organs of the body, balanced diet and its importance, common diseases – gastroenteritis, amoebiosis, methemoglobin, anemia, fluorosis, malaria, dengue, causes and prevention of diseases, pulse polio campaign.
- Living Organisms – Levels of Organization of Plants and Animals, Diversity in Living Organisms, State Flowers, State Trees, State Birds, State Animals, Reserve Forests and Wildlife – National Parks, Sanctuaries, Tiger Reserves, Knowledge of World Heritage, Conservation of Plant and Animal Species, Agricultural Practices.
- Water – Basic knowledge of water, forests, wetlands and deserts, different types of pollution and pollution control, water properties, sources, management, artistic water sources in Rajasthan, sources of drinking water and irrigation.
- Earth and Space – Our Solar System, Indian Astronauts.
- Mountaineering- Equipment, Problems, India’s Leading Women Mountaineer.
- Concept and scope of Environmental Studies – Importance of Environmental Studies, Integrated Environmental Studies, Science Environmental Studies and Environmental Education, Learning Theory, Scope and Relationship to Science and Social Sciences.
- Environmental pedagogy – methods of presenting concepts, activities, experiments, practical work, discussion, comprehensive and continuous evaluation, teaching materials and support, teaching problems, information and communication technologies.
Rajasthan REET Level-2 Exam Pattern
- Mode Of Exam: Offline OMR Based
- Exam Duration: Candidates will be given 2 hours and 30 minutes to do the paper. Also, 10 minutes extra time will be given to fill the 5th option.
- No. Of Questions: A total of 150 questions will be asked from various topics in the paper.
- No. Of Marks: The REET recruitment exam paper will be of 150 marks, 1 mark has been set for each question.
- Negative Marking: Yes, 1/3
Exam Subject | Questions | Marks |
1 Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
2 Language – 1 (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi) | 30 | 30 |
3 Languages – 2 (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi) | 30 | 30 |
4 Science & Mathematics OR Social Science or Science & Mathematics OR Social Science (for Teachers other than Mathematics, Science & Social Science) | 60 | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
PART – I REET Level 2 Child Development and Teaching Methods Syllabus 2025
- Child Development: Concept of Growth and Development, Different Dimensions and Theories of Development, Factors Influencing Development
- Especially in the context of family and school and relationship to learning.
- The role of heredity and environment.
- Individual Differences: Individual Differences, Meaning, Types and Factors Influencing It.
- Personality: Concept, type and factors influencing personality, measurement of personality.
- Intelligence: Concept, theory and its measurement, multiple intelligence theory and its implications.
- Understanding of Diverse Learners: Backward, Retarded, Talented, Creative, Disadvantaged, Children with Special Needs and
- Children with inheritance disabilities.
- Difficulties in learning
- Concept and Methods of Adjustment, Role of Teacher in Adjustment.
- Meaning and concept of learning.
- Factors influencing learning.
- Theories of learning (behaviorism, gastaltism, cognizance, constructivism) and their implications.
- How do children learn?
- Processes of learning.
- Thinking, Imagination and Reasoning – Constructivism Approach,
- Experiential learning, concept-mapping, exploration and problem solving.
- Motivation and its implications for learning.
- Teaching-learning processes, strategies and methods of teaching-learning in the context of the National Curriculum Framework-2005.
- Meaning and Purpose of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation.
- Comprehensive and continuous evaluation.
- Creation of achievement testing.
- The rewards of learning.
- Actionable Research.
- Right to Education Act-2009 Role and Responsibilities of Teachers.
PART – II Rajasthan REET Level 2 English Syllabus 2024
- Unseen Prose Passage
- Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings, Word-formation, One Word Substitution.
- Unseen Prose Passage
- Parts of Speech, Tenses, Determiners, Degrees of Comparison.
- Framing Questions Including Wh-questions, Active and Passive Voice, Narration Knowledge of English Sounds and Phonetic Symbols.
- Principles of Teaching English, Methods and Approaches to English Language Teaching.
- Development of Language Skills, Teaching Learning Materials: Text books, Multi-media Materials and other resources.
- Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Assessment and Evaluation in Language.
PART – III Rajasthan Reet Level 2 Hindi Syllabus
- 1 The following grammatical questions from an unread passage:
- Word knowledge- Similar, similar, foreign words, synonyms, antonyms, singular words, prefixes, suffixes.
- A word for conjunctions and conjunctions, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adjectives, inexplicables, phrases, word purification.
- 2 Questions on the following points from an unread passage –
- Clarifying the meaning of underlined words, finding the word, tense, gender, changing the pronunciation tense and gender of the given words, Hindi forms of Rajasthani words.
- Syntax, Parts of Sentences, Types of Sentences, Phrases, Idioms and Proverbs, Punctuation.
- Language teaching methods, approaches to language teaching, development of language skills.
- Development of Language Skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Challenges in Hindi Language Teaching, Teaching Learning.
- Materials, textbooks, multi-media and other teaching resources.
- Evaluation in Language Teaching, Building of Achievement Tests, Holistic and Continuous Evaluation, Remedial Teaching.
PART -IV – A Rajasthan REET Level 2 Maths & Science Syllabus
- Exponents: Multiplication and division of exponential numbers of the same base, exponential rule.
- Algebraic Expressions: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of algebraic expressions.
- Factors: Factors of simple algebraic expressions.
- Equation: Simple uniexponential equation.
- Square and Square Root
- Cube and Cube Root
- Interest: Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Profit-Loss,
- Ratio and proportion: Division into proportional parts, different.
- Percentage, birth and death rate, population growth, decline.
- Lines and angles, line segments, straight and curved lines, types of angles.
- Planar shapes: triangles, congruence of triangles, quadrilaterals and circles, polygons.
- Area and perimeter of planar shapes: triangles, rectangles, parallelograms and trapezoids.
- Surface Area and Volume: Cube, cuboidal and right circular cylinder
- Statistics: Collection and classification of data, frequency distribution schedules, matching marks, column graphs
- and Rectangle Graph, Circular Graph (Pie Diagram)
- Graph: Different types of graphs
- probability
- Nature of Mathematics and Reasoning Power
- Importance of Mathematics in Curriculum
- The Language of Mathematics
- Community Math
- valuation
- Remedial learning
- Teaching Problems
Science (विज्ञान)
- Living and Non-living: Introduction, Differences and Characteristics
- Microbes: Bacteria, viruses, fungi – beneficial and non-beneficial
- Living: Plant types and different parts, Nutrition, respiration and excretion in plants, Structure and function of plant and animal cells, Cell division
- Human Body and Health – Diseases spread by microorganisms (tuberculosis, measles, diphtheria, cholera, typhoid)
- Measures to prevent diseases, various systems of the human body, causes and prevention of infectious diseases, sources of food, major ingredients of food and diseases caused by their deficiency, balanced diet.
- Animal Reproduction and Adolescence: Reproduction Methods, Sexual and Asexual, Adolescence and Puberty, Physical Changes, Role of Hormones in Reproduction, Reproductive Health
- Mechanics: Force and Motion, Types of Forces – Muscular Force, Frictional Force, Gravitational Force, Magnetic Force, Static Electrostatic Force, etc
- Types of motion – linear, circular, vibrational, harmonic and rotating motion.
- Pressure, atmospheric pressure, buoyant force, work and energy, conventional and alternative sources of energy, conservation of energy.
- Temperature and Heat: Meaning of Temperature and Heat, Thermometer, Heat Transmission.
- Light and Sound: Sources of Light, Reflection of Light, Reflection of Spherical Mirror, Reflection of Plane Mirror and Spherical Mirror, Refraction of Light, Formation of Reflection by Lens and Lens, Sound, Characteristics of Sound, Sound Propagation, Noise Pollution.
- Electricity and Magnetism: Electric current, electric circuits, thermal, magnetic and chemical effects of electric current, magnets and magnetism.
- Science & Technology: Importance of Science in Daily Life
- Synthetic Fibres and Plastics: Properties and Types of Synthetic Fibres
- Plastics & Properties, Plastics & Environment, Detergents, Cements etc.
- Science & Technology in the field of Medicine – X-rays, CT scans, surgeries, ultrasound and laser rays
- General information about fax machines, computers, internet, e-mail and websites in the field of telecommunication
- Solar System: Moon and Stars, Solar System – Sun and Planets, Comets, Constellations
- Structure of Matter: Atoms and Molecules, Structure of Atom, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, Separation of Constituents of Mixtures, Symbols of Elements, Chemical Formulas and Chemical Equations of Compounds, Physical and Chemical
- Changes.
- Chemical Substances: Oxides, Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming, General Knowledge of Hydrocarbons, Acids, Bases and Salts, Oxygen Gases, Nitrogen Gases, Nitrogen Cycle, Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas. Agricultural Management: Agricultural Practices, Types and Examples of Crops, Structure and Nature of Science
- Natural Sciences: Aims and Objectives, Natural Resources, Environment, Pollution and Control, Biodiversity, Adaptation, Waste Management
- Bioevolution
- Understanding the Science
- Teaching Methods of Science
- Innovations: Curriculum or aids assessment problems, remedial teaching, etc.
PART -IV – B Rajasthan REET Level 2 Social Studies Syllabus 2025
- Indian Civilization, Culture and Society –
- Indus Valley Civilization, Culture, Jainism and Buddhism, Mahajanapada.
- Maurya and Gupta Empire and Post-Gupta Period
- Political History and Administration, Contribution to Indian Culture India 600-1000 AD. Greater India.
- Medieval and Modern Period –
- Bhakti and Sufi Movements, Mughal Rajput Relations; Mughal Administration, British Policy towards Indian States, Revolt of 1857, British Influence on Indian Economy, Renaissance and Social Reforms, Indian National Movement (1885-1947).
- Indian Constitution and Democracy –
- Constitution of India: Framing and Features, Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties, Social Justice, Child Rights and Child Protection, Election in Democracy and Voter Awareness.
- Government: Formation and Functions
- Parliament: President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Supreme Court, State Government, Panchayati Raj and Urban
- Self-Government – District Administration and Judicial System with special reference to Rajasthan.
- The Earth and our environment –
- Solar System, Latitude, Longitude, Movements of the Earth, Air Pressure and Winds, Cyclones and Counter-Cyclones, Ocean Circulation, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Environmental Problems and Solutions.
- Geography and Resources of India:
- Geography, Region, Climate, Natural Vegetation, Wildlife, Multipurpose, River Valley Projects, Soil, Agricultural Crops, Industries, Minerals, Transport, Population, Human Resources, Economic and Social Programmes of Development.
- Geography and Resources of Rajasthan – Physical Regions, Climate and Drainage System, Lakes, Soil Water Conservation and Storage, Agricultural Crops, Mineral and Energy Resources, Major Canals and River Valley Projects of Rajasthan, Transport, Industries and Population, Tourist Places, Forests and Wildlife.
- History of Rajasthan – Ancient Civilizations and Districts, History of Major Dynasties of Rajasthan, Contribution of Rajasthan in the Revolt of 1857, Praja Mandal Tribal and Peasant Movement in Rajasthan, Unification of Rajasthan, Major Personalities of Rajasthan.
- Art and Culture of Rajasthan – Heritage of Rajasthan (Forts, Palaces, Monuments), Fairs, Festivals and Folk Arts of Rajasthan, Paintings of Rajasthan, Folk Dances and Folk Dramas of Rajasthan, Folk Deities, Folk Saints, Folk Music and Musical Instruments, Handicrafts and Architecture of Rajasthan, Costumes and Ornaments of Rajasthan, Language and Literature of Rajasthan.
- Pedagogical Issues-I: Social Sciences, Concepts and Nature of Social Studies, Classroom Processes, Activities and Discussions, Social Sciences, Problems of Teaching Social Studies, Development of Critical Thinking.
- Pedagogical Issues-II Questioning , Empirical Evidence, Teaching Learning Materials and Aids, Information and Communication Technology Project Work, Learning Outcomes, Evaluation.